colder weather approaching and preseason checklists already being tackled (tuning, cleaning, shining, gear prep, etc.), please keep
in mind a few other checklists:
Safety: Obey posted signs and stay on the designated trail, trail signs are in place for YOUR safety; Trails
also have a night time speed limit: 55 mph.
2) Drinking and riding: You can be arrested for OWI on a snowmobile.
3) Trespass: Local snowmobile clubs work long hours clearing, marking, and securing permission for trails.
If you leave the trail, you’re on your own and subject to a $295.00 trespass citation. Trails are a privilege,
not a right.
4) Trail Pass/Registration: Make sure your trail pass and registration are CURRENT and DISPLAYED on your
5) Wildlife: Wildlife are at risk in the cold and snow. Do not harass wildlife with your